Working faster and more accurately in 2016?

“You have to learn to combine speed and accuracy” Those were the words spoken to me by my grade 10 math teacher, and given the challenges and pressure that most people find themselves currently under, these words have more meaning today than they did way back then in my math class. During a normal day, […]

Clarity Comes Through Doing

I was assisting an organization in the development of a training program for new employees, and at our first meeting I was handed a 110 page learning “strategy” document. Yes, I was astounded by the amount of time and effort someone had put into creating this document. I soon realized that no one wanted to […]

What happened to the other 5%?

I remember when I was in high school I received a 95% on a mid-term exam. I was so happy with the mark that I showed my parents and they were both very happy for me. Then the following weekend, I showed my uncle, who was a very accomplished doctor of veterinary medicine my exam, […]

What Happened to Mental Toughness in the Workplace?

“Pain is inevitable. Suffering is optional.” – Unknown I sometimes find myself smiling at these types of motivational quotes. Kept in context, they can serve as a source of motivation and perspective when we incur challenges in our lives. I have been fortunate in both my professional and athletic life to have learned firsthand what […]

What happens when plan A falls apart?

Your plan (A) to deliver a big project is in place. You have invested a considerable amount of time meeting with people to discuss workloads, resources, and critical dates. Then you implement the plan and after a few weeks, everything falls apart. Don’t worry if you find yourself in this situation, most people who have […]

Is business the most competitive sport?

  I recently heard Mark Cuban from ABC’s Sharks Tank say in an interview that business is the most competitive sport there is. Given our modern day world, we don’t always know where our competition will come from, and we certainly have no control over everything in our field of play. Often, people shy away […]

Are you focused on the performance journey?

It’s said that life is all about the journey. To people and teams who are committed to performing at their best, this statement is practiced on a daily basis. The truth of the matter is whether you are a high performance athlete or a person working towards achieving a professional goal, many of us lose […]

Lean In

Have you ever found yourself in a challenging situation where you had the option to take the easy way out? Regardless of the challenge,most people and teams often choose to take the easy way out instead of “leaning in”. When we lean in, we choose to take ownership of the situation; this allows us to […]

Flow State–Creating Optimal Workplace Experiences

“The best moments in our lives are not the passive, receptive, relaxing times… The best moments usually occur if a person’s body or mind is stretched to its limits in a voluntary effort to accomplish something difficult and worthwhile.” –Mihaly Csikszentmihaly I recently read that Accenture will abandon their annual performance review system in place […]

Leadership Insights From The Pan Am Games

Performance…it seems these days this word tends to be on most people’s minds. Whether in business, politics or yes, even sports. Performance is one of those terms that has become genericized in our culture. In most organizations, performance usually falls somewhere in the area of performance management systems, operational efficiencies and productivity. With new and […]