Have you ever found yourself in a challenging situation where you had the option to take the easy way out? Regardless of the challenge,most people and teams often choose to take the easy way out instead of “leaning in”.
When we lean in, we choose to take ownership of the situation; this allows us to keep an open mind and to see things through to the end. Unfortunately, in our quick-fix, instant gratification society, we tend to pull back by disengaging, blaming others, quitting, or looking for an easy solution.
The only way to achieve a win/win outcome is by leaning in. Here are a few strategies you can use to help you lean in:
Stay Focused on the Solution
This sounds easier said than done. This requires people to avoid blaming others and staying focused on a common goal. Plus, adding humor to the situation often allows people to get refocused and back on track when projects go offline.
Trust the Talent
It’s very easy to stop trusting in your talent or the talent of your team when situations becoming challenging. Often this is a sign of fear and all you want to do is pull away, or turn around and avoid what you need to do. Learn to lean in by getting out of your head by avoiding over thinking. Just let yourself go and let your natural talents and skills take over.
Quickly forget Mistakes
Dwelling leads to more mistakes. Leaning into a challenge requires learning from your mistakes while moving forward. Keep in mind, the faster you can do this, the faster you can realize that failure is a great teacher.
Like a muscle, strength and growth occur through struggles and challenges. Next time you are up against a seemingly impossible task, lean into it and you just might surprise yourself what you are capable of achieving.
All the best in achieving your highest performance.
Image courtesy of David Castillo Dominici at FreeDigitalPhotos.net