Follow the leader, leader, leader, follow the leader…

I recently searched on Google for the term “leadership”, and in 0.31 seconds I had 491 million results. So much has been written about the subject over the years, yet so many organizations still struggle to discover and develop leaders. Possible explanation for this could be that for years we assumed high-level performers in organizations […]

Part 2…How to Make Practice Perfect

In my previous post I talked about the importance of quality practice to improve workplace performance, and how often practice is overlooked (see: Does practice make perfect? ). So, I like to talk about the “how to” in this post and share with you some great practice habits from the world of elite performers you […]

Part 1…Does practice make perfect?

“Practice, practice, practice”…”Practice makes perfect”…. familiar sayings within our culture, and they have been further popularized with the attention given to the 10,000 hours rule of deliberate practice to becoming a master in one’s chosen field. There is a good reason behind these saying, when we practice a skill, make mistakes, learn, and apply new […]

I Know That!

In the age of information, we have access to unlimited online resources, it could be something as simple as looking up a question on Wikipedia or taking an online course to upgrade our professional skills. It seems everything we want to know is at our finger tips. With abundant sources of information available to us, […]

How To Prepare For Your Best Work Day

Are you prepared to perform at your best each day?    

Back to the Future: Bridge Building

“I believe the real difference between success and failure in a corporation can be very often traced to the question of how well the organization brings out the great energies and talents of its people.” –Thomas J. Watson Jr. I came across this quote while preparing for a keynote presentation I delivered in Toronto last […]

The Danger of Groupthink

“Our team members get along so well, I am not sure why we are unable to achieve our business objectives.” Have you heard people say this in your organization? Or have you been on one of those teams? In many organizations, highly skilled teams are formed, only to have their team performance stifled by a […]

Why is it that great athletes are never disengaged performers? Own it!

There is a considerable amount of attention being placed on employee disengagement in the workplace. And it’s no wonder, disengaged employees are the biggest challenge facing business leaders around the globe, costing millions of dollars each year in low productivity and high employee turnover. There are several factors that contribute to employee disengagement, and organizations […]

Performance Agility in the Workplace

High performance athletes understand the significance of being agile in order to compete at their best. Through years of training and competing, they have mastered how to read a situation and adjust their actions accordingly. For example, hockey players need to be physically agile enough to skate towards the puck, stop suddenly, make a turn […]