I was working with a group of newly hired people in an ad agency. They were all enthusiastic to get into their new roles within the agency. They were very smart and keen to learn everything I was about to teach them. Ad agencies, like many organizations, like to hire the brightest and most talented […]
Swim, Bike & Run – What the Sport of Triathlon Teaches Us About Organizational Performance
Indulge me as we start the New Year. I often focus my blog articles on client experiences and recent performance research and findings. However, during workshops and presentations I am often asked to share some of my human performance stories and insights coming from racing as a triathlete for over 20 years. So to start […]
Technology and Great Team Performance
James is an executive in a large organization. He leads a team of very talented directors. His team has a wealth of experience and knowledge and the team members are located in different regions across the country. James has great intentions to have a close working team and tries to keep in contact with each […]
Sprinter vs. Marathoner: How Does Your Organization Perform?
There you are, entering the office on Monday morning, thinking of the dozen things you need to attend to before 8 a.m. Your day starts, emails are already piling up in your inbox, and they all seem to be urgent. You answer as many emails as you can and then you look up at the […]
Is Failure Really An F-Word?
You are working in an organization and you have some innovative ideas on how to improve the products and services your organization offers your clients. You spend time writing a strategic plan on how these solutions could be implemented, saving the organization thousands of dollars. You present the plan to your VP, and she gives […]
Scrapping Your Performance Management System?
How do you manage people and teams to achieve their best performance? Well, more than likely, you use a performance management system established to produce a good quality product and service while achieving a strong profit margin. However, these types of systems usually refer to people in a numeric manner: “That’s Jane Smith, she ranked […]
Generation D: Your Performance is Not That Good
You are an accomplished business leader looking to grow your organization by hiring new people who have fresh ideas and perspectives. You have just invested a considerable amount of time and effort into recruiting, interviewing and hiring some of the best people within your profession. The new hires are all well educated and highly motivated […]
Is There Really a Talent Shortage?
I hear time and time again there is a talent shortage and people in the workforce lack the necessary skills required by employers. And I often read articles saying that employee engagement is at an all-time low worldwide. Meanwhile many progressive business publications indicate there are numerous new opportunities in the global economy that have […]
Real-Time Performance Decisions
How often have you found yourself attending a course, learning new skills and knowledge that you were very excited about sharing with your organization? You had great intentions to start applying these new skills to help improve your performance and the performance of your team. You share your new knowledge with your team, and people […]
It’s Time for Human Performance Leadership
We are living in a time where the amount of information available on leadership is enormous. Just walk into any bookstore and in the business section you will see shelves filled with leadership books. Popular business books by authors such as Tom Peters, who emerged in 1982 with the book In Search of Excellence, and […]