The Newest High-Tech Performance Tool

Journal_ID-10032784In the workplace, we are faced with deciding which new platforms will help revamp traditional performance management systems and practices. There are a tremendous number of new platforms and apps to choose from that allow greater insights into workplace performance than ever before.

I often get asked, in a rather urgent manner, “What can we do now to turn our performance around”? My answer is simply get into the habit of writing a daily performance journal. This ‘best practice’ tool comes from the world of high performance athletics. Athletes are always looking to improve their performances, so they are always analyzing what’s working, what isn’t working, then adjusting their training regimes accordingly. This type of tracking provides them with tremendous insights, allowing them to have meaningful performance conversations with their coaches.

So in our modern day workplace, performance journaling is relatively simple to implement, especially for those people and teams who are committed to raising their level of performance.

Here are some thought-provoking questions you can answer in your performance journal:

What’s working?

Where did you face challenges?

What would you do differently?

You will be amazed at how fast your performance improves by simply recording the answers to these questions, and then deciding on the necessary actions to take.

All the best in achieving your highest performance.


Image courtesy of nuttakit at