Is your Business Plan as Good as an Athlete’s Training Plan?

Business plans are one of those documents you first learned about in business school. Plans serve a great purpose towards achieving clarity on market conditions, organizational goals and objectives and establishing financials. Plans serve a great purpose for any business seeking venture capital, onboarding new employees and ensuring the business has a clear direction on […]

Are You Going Beyond Motivational Speeches to Motivate Your Team?

As a manager within your business you know how important it is to have everyone on your team producing their best work. It is the only way companies remain innovative and creative in a competitive marketplace within our global economy. However, when talking to managers, one of their biggest challenges I hear about is the […]

You are Still Doing Mid-Year Reviews, aren’t you?

It’s that time of year when many businesses are conducting mid-year reviews, and most people at all levels in the organization are just dreading the process and think “here we go again”. Over the last year there have been several articles published about companies removing their formal review process, since it was not helping their […]

10,000 Hours towards Performance Mastery

In 1993, K. Anders Ericsson, Ralf Th. Krampe, and Clemens Tesch-Römer (1993) published a breakthrough study called “The Role of Deliberate Practice in the Acquisition of Expert Performance.” The study set a benchmark on the time a person must invest in deliberate practice (10,000 hours or about 10 years) to become an expert in his […]